After more than two weeks in the same spot I am finally leaving Bellingham. This was not an easy moving on. After so much time you not only get used to the company, but you get attached to the people around you.
I will miss you Carol & Sid, Dean & Louise. Thank you for everything! Next time I will go to Mount Baker. I will relish and cherish the pesto sauce and zucchini bread Carol made and Louise’s wonderful tomato chutney. I hope it won’t be another three years until we get together again.
I am now sitting in my camper in Winthrop in eastern Washington, sipping mint tea with fresh mint from the garden, listening to the raindrops falling on my roof. The drive through the Cascade Mountains along highway 20 was beautiful. The fall foliage is already starting to show. Didn’t we just have Labor Day? The Skagit River with its beautiful green / turquoise color ran along side the highway until it turned into Gorge Lake, Diablo Lake and Ross Lake. All created by big dams. Once I made it over the 8,000 foot passes the mountains moved a little into the distance and gave way to farmland and that straw like golden grass. As beautiful as mountains and forests can be, I think there is nothing greater than the wide open spaces which give you an unobstructed view all the way to the horizon. OK, there might be a barn or two.
The gray and rainy weather today was a clear reflection of my mood. Tomorrow the sun is suppose to shine, let’s hope so.